
Beyond the Player: Infielders

Welcome to our newest feature, Beyond the Player, where we will get to know more about the players behind the scenes. This week we learn about the infielders, four of which are new to the program this fall.
Fritz Genther - if you were granted any super power you wanted, what would it be? And why?
"I would like to have the ability to teleport. Being able to be wherever you want, whenever you want at the snap of a finger would be really cool, especially to be able to see the world, eliminating travel time, and never really miss out on anything."

Nick Holesa - if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
"Bora Bora, I would enjoy the fresh air, sun and snorkeling in the clear water."

Nick Biddison - if you were not a baseball player what would you be?
"Charter boat captain, because I like to be on the water and I could travel a lot."

Kevin Madden - if you were an animal what would you be? And why?
"Cape Buffalo, because they are fearless, unafraid of confrontation and they are strong."

Lucas Donlon - if you could play any other sport, what sport would it be?
"I played hockey when I was younger, I was a goalie. I really enjoyed being out on the ice early in the mornings, it's a sport I miss and wish I could play again."

Tanner Schobel - if you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? And why?
"Michael Jordan, because I feel like I could learn a lot about what it takes to be a champion and succeed for multiple years.

Sam Tackett - if you had $10,000 to spend today, what would you buy?
"I would invest it and let it grow. There is nothing I really want or need right now."

Brayden Merrick - what is your favorite thing to do outside of baseball?
"Hunting because I enjoy being outside in the country watching all the wildlife. It is quiet, peaceful and relaxing."  

TJ Rumfield - if you had to eat one meal for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
"Honey BBQ Chicken sandwich from Whataburger"