Women's Tennis

Get to know: Semra Aksu

Semra Aksu
Izmir, Turkey

How did you first get involved in tennis?
I was doing kids track & field for a long time. I also started going to a summer sports school for swimming and tennis. Luckily the club was very close to where I lived at that time so I ended up playing tennis full time at 8 years old. 

What has been the best advice a coach has given you?
My first coach Esat Tanik have always told me that tennis is a long journey with many ups and downs. He said to always think about my long term goals and don't be upset with defeats or don't get too excited with some wins along the way. He also strongly advised me to never quit school.

Who do you model your game after?
No one specifically.

What is your favorite meal from back home?
Vegetable dishes cooked in olive oil: Barbunya bean, artichoke; manti, boyoz.

What was it like to be a part of the Turkish national team?
Honestly, I didn't have the best experience at the tournament itself but the journey and the selection tournament was very awarding. I felt very proud when I knew that I would hold the Turkish flag and wear the national team uniform. I was also happy to be another member of my family to be a national team athlete.