Men's Basketball

Soundbites: ACC Tipoff press conference

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Just a couple of weeks ahead of its season opener, Virginia Tech men's basketball participated in ACC Tipoff on Tuesday at the Hilton Charlotte Hotel and held a press conference.

Below you will find highlights of what was said.

Head coach Mike Young

On future of realignment and ACC Tournament potentially not having every school there:

"Well, you're the first to ask me my opinion. I'm all for it. Obviously it's a football decision. I understand that. I've said it a couple of times now, and I mean this: I have incredible confidence and respect for Jim Phillips and for the leadership on our campus in Tim Sands and Whit Babcock. They deemed that necessary to move our league forward, and I'm all for that. I do not -- I shudder at the thought of not taking every team to the ACC Tournament. I think that's of critical importance. I'll talk to commissioner Phillips about that as we move along. I certainly understand his heartburn with adding an additional day to the league tournament. That would be an additional day to the women's tournament. So that's a lot. So those are conversations that we'll all have with the commissioner and others as we move along."

Guard Hunter Cattoor

On the guards and wings:

"Yeah. I'm excited about the group we have in our locker room. We've got fighters. We've got hardworking dudes. We're going to figure it out. We'll be fine. We've been going through kind of the off-season summer working out, and we've got a good group of guys that I'm confident in, and we'll be excited to start off on November 6."

Guard Sean Pedulla

On going through the process of being on the bench then later starting:

"Yeah, I think that's just part of sports in general, is just waiting for your turn and earning everything that's given to you. That was something that I learned a lot my freshman year is that you're not going to just be given anything, and that's in life, too. But then once you do have that opportunity you've got to make the most of it, and last year I felt like I did a decent job for the most part. Obviously things happen, but you just want to continue to improve upon things you can."