
Catching Up With Megan White

Megan White grew up a Hokie, as her parents are Virginia Tech Alumni. Blacksburg is White's first home outside of Raleigh, North Carolina. White is excited to start her new journey in Blacksburg and bring data to the diamond.
Below is a conversation we had with White.
Hokie Sports: What got you interested in data analytics?
White: I took a statistics class in high school. Going into my freshman year of college I didn't have a plan, so I told myself I might as well keep up with stats because I enjoyed it in high school. One class turned into all my classes and it just became my major. Being a college athlete, I knew I wanted to somehow stay in sports, so data analytics seemed like the right fit.
Hokie Sports: Why is it important to have your position in this program?
White: Data analytics helps take the personal out of a lot of decision making for the coaching staff. My position is to collect the data, analyze the data and then offer those insights into our coaching staff, so they have another layer other than watching practices or games. They can see trends in our players, such as if they are fatigued, or injured, or you can see players' strength coming back. You can see progress in the numbers versus just doing an eye test. It's really important to have that in a program. Coaching decisions can be based on the numbers as well as understanding the game. The coaches are able to get a deeper insight on how individuals are performing.
Hokie Sports: With being a former collegiate athlete, how has it been being on the other side and being a part of a staff?
White: It's definitely different! I can relate to a lot of the girls having been a player myself. Coming from the staff side, it's interesting to see behind the scenes and all the work that goes into everything. It makes me appreciate everything that my coaches at Elon did for me. I hope I can offer that same guidance and support for our girls here.
Hokie Sports: Why Virginia Tech?
White: The area is beautiful. This fall has been spectacular. I love the Blacksburg area, it's definitely a community here. It's been really fun going to our fall ball games, football games, and the other athletics on campus. It really is a community that supports their athletes in all aspects whether you're in the stands or on the field. I think there's a lot of success that is going to come to Blacksburg, especially in the next few years.
Hokie Sports: What has the game of softball meant to you?
White: It's always something special that I shared with my family and my dad who was a coach of mine. Many of my long term friendships and relationships were built on a softball field. Whether it's through mentors or teammates I still keep in touch. The amount of networking and connections I made through softball is so special and I still see it today. Knowing people, coaches, and teams on other fields and across the country is so special. It really is a small world. There's always somebody who knows somebody and I love the game for that. I am thankful for all the opportunities it's granted me like being able to be here at Virginia Tech!