
Meet the New Hokies: Jess Kent

As the Hokies approach the 2024 season, get to know the newest faces of Virginia Tech lacrosse.

Jess Kent
Westminster, Md.
Westminster HS
What did the beginning of your lacrosse journey look like? 
I was in first grade when I started playing and all my friends were also playing lacrosse, so I wanted to, as well. My parents put me in the sport and I haven't looked back. 
What did your club lacrosse experience look like for you and who did you play for? 
I think I started club lacrosse in sixth grade and I played for Checkers. I knew that I wanted to play club lacrosse in college so a lot of friends I was already playing lacrosse with joined the same club team as me. 
How did your recruiting process for Virginia Tech specifically look?
During my official visit I knew I wanted to come here. I got some interest from the VT coaches and then decided to take an official visit. Meeting with the coaches and players was so welcoming and I knew that I wanted to play here after that experience. 
How have you been able to translate your high school and club lacrosse experience to now playing here at Virginia Tech? 
In high school and club I was more of a leader, and now in college the entire team is full of leaders. So I've brought my spirit, and attitude that I had in high school and club lacrosse, up to the college level which helps enhance our team culture since we always cheer for each other and are always happy when a teammate succeeds. 
What has been your favorite part of practice so far? 
I love all the drills we do and how competitive everyone gets. We have our maroon and orange games where we compete against each other and it keeps practice fun and interesting. 
What has been the best part about the team culture? 
All the girls do really love each other, and it's evident at how we act in practice and other events. I know I am friends with every girl and everyone has my back. 
Is there anything you're specifically looking forward to in the spring? 
I'm looking forward to just being in the locker room with my teammates on gameday and having all the good vibes. 

Why did you end up committing to Virginia Tech? 
Seeing how welcoming the coaches were, and how great the program was, made me know right after my visit that this was where I wanted to go to college. 

Do you have any hidden talents or fun facts? 
I can juggle and say the alphabet backwards. 
What makes Virginia Tech home for you? 
Every teammate and every coach I have makes VT home for me.