
Meet the New Hokies: Lauren Kelly

As the Hokies approach the 2024 season, get to know the newest faces of Virginia Tech lacrosse.
 Lauren Kelly
Charlotte N.C. 
Myers Park HS
What did the beginning of your lacrosse journey look like? 
I started in kindergarten or in first grade. My brothers actually started playing lacrosse first and I wanted to do everything they did. From there I did rec, a little box lacrosse and then eventually kept playing more and more. 
What did your club lacrosse experience look like for you and who did you play for? 
I played for Charlotte Style. It was a really great experience with my club, too. We had like one sub all through the time period we were getting recruited, so we got a lot of reps and had many chances to stay out on the field and get seen. 
How have you been able to translate your high school lacrosse experience to now playing here at Virginia Tech? 
My club experience was also filled with lots of energy, and here at Virginia Tech we pride ourselves on that, so I feel super comfortable bringing that energy and then being the best teammate I can be, helping to contribute to our culture. 
What has been your favorite part of practice so far? 
I feel like one thing is that we have such a great culture. We can have a conversation with everyone and joke around, everyone is each others best friend. We do a lot of position specific work in the beginning of practice and then work towards full game-play, so it's cool to see that evolution. 
What are your academic goals while at Tech? 
Building good habits is super important to me. I am an Engineering major, so I am excited to pursue that and then translate everything I am learning now into an engineering career later on after I graduate. 
Why did you end up committing to Virginia Tech? 
I think we have such a unique and diverse demographic at VT, but especially within the team, everyone is one big family and there is just one big happy vibe. It fit really well with everything I wanted.