Kristen Matthis, MS, LAT, ATC

Kristen Matthis, MS, LAT, ATC

Director, Sports Medicine
Responsibilities: Kristen coordinates all sports medicine needs for the Virginia Tech Softball program.

Joined VT Athletics Staff: 2019

Prior to Virginia Tech: Kristen attended the University of Pittsburgh for her bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training where she graduated in 2017. She worked with the football, women’s gymnastics, and track and field teams while at Pitt. Kristen then went on to earn her Masters degree in Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Central Florida where she worked as a graduate assistant athletic trainer with the Softball, Women’s Rowing, and Men’s Soccer teams. 

Education: University of Pittsburgh, 2017 (BS in Athletic Training), University of Central Florida, 2019 (MS in Sports and Exercise Science)

Of Note: Kristen proudly became a certified member of the National Athletic Trainer’s Association in 2015. She is a licensed athletic trainer by the Virginia Board of Health Professions. 

Personal: Kristen was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently resides in Blacksburg.